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Can deicer chemicals damage concrete surfaces?

Yes, always
In most cases
In some cases
No, never
Not sure
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Question: Can deicer chemicals damage concrete surfaces?
Top Answer (37% of 35 votes): Yes, always.

Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Deicer has chemicals and salt that can permanently damage your concrete.
Solid Solutions Concrete LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Yes
Capristo concrete
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Any chemical left on almost any surface long enough will damage it
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Depending on the product used, it can cause scaling and delamination of the concrete surface.
Maven Group LLC
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: They cause the concrete to chip.
Colorado Concrete
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: I may not be familiar with all de-icers, but many that I know of will certainly cause spalling (and other damage) on your driveway (or other concrete).
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: That is why I recommend a sealer.
Cornerstone Land Management
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