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How thick should the layer of aggregate base under a standard concrete driveway be?

0-2 inches
2-4 inches
4-6 inches
6-8 inches
Not sure
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Question: How thick should the layer of aggregate base under a standard concrete driveway be?
Top Answer (39% of 58 votes): 2-4 inches.

Answer: 4-6 inches
Explanation: The thickness of the aggregate base layer under a standard concrete driveway typically ranges from 4 to 6 inches. Here’s a breakdown of why this thickness is recommended and how it contributes to the durability and performance of the driveway: 1. Support and Stability: The aggregate base layer serves as a stable foundation for the concrete slab above. It helps distribute the weight of vehicles evenly, preventing settlement and ensuring a level surface. 2. Drainage: Properly compacted aggregate allows for effective drainage of water away from the concrete slab. This helps prevent water from pooling under the driveway, which can lead to erosion and potential damage over time. 3. Protection of Subgrade: The aggregate base layer protects the subgrade (the native soil beneath) from damage caused by moisture fluctuations, freezing and thawing cycles, and the weight of vehicles. 4. Compaction: Proper compaction of the aggregate base is crucial to achieve the desired density and strength. It ensures that the base layer provides adequate support and stability for the concrete slab. Local Conditions: The recommended thickness of the aggregate base may vary based on local soil conditions, climate, and anticipated traffic loads. In some cases, such as areas with poor soil stability or heavier traffic, a thicker aggregate base may be necessary to ensure long-term durability. Construction Practices: Aggregate base should be installed in layers and compacted thoroughly to achieve the specified thickness and density. This helps ensure uniform support and stability across the entire driveway area. By adhering to these guidelines and ensuring proper preparation of the aggregate base layer, you can help ensure the longevity and performance of your concrete driveway.
Midtex Services
Answer: 6-8 inches
Explanation: The base should be a minimum of 6 inches depending on the material underneath.
Solid Solutions Concrete LLC
Answer: 2-4 inches
Explanation: Yes
Capristo concrete
Answer: 2-4 inches
Explanation: standard code
RP Enterprises
Answer: 0-2 inches
Explanation: 2 to 8 inches of crushed rock should be used as subgrade material, depending on the degree of expansiveness
Answer: 2-4 inches
Explanation: 4 will be good
Answer: 2-4 inches
Explanation: Depending on soil base for proper compaction and drainage.
BAT Concrete llc
Answer: 4-6 inches
Explanation: The gravel base for a driveway should be a minimum of 4 inches deep. If heavier vehicles, such as large trucks, will use the driveway regularly, the gravel should be even deeper, up to 12 inches. Poor soil or a sloped driveway may also require deeper gravel. In general, the thicker the gravel base, the more weight the driveway will be able to handle without damage to the concrete. The gravel should be clean, free of sand or clay and fairly uniform in size and shape without any large stones. It should also compact easily and be evenly compacted before the concrete is poured to provide strength and stability. Recycled gravel is suitable for use beneath a concrete driveway as long as it is clean and uniform.
Colorado Concrete
Answer: 0-2 inches
Explanation: 2 inches tick
Answer: 4-6 inches
Explanation: To allow for proper drainage. It will not allow what you just said anything concrete which will freeze and crack to concrete.
A to Z Fence and Concrete
Answer: 2-4 inches
Explanation: This all depends on ground quality, drainage issues, etc,
Black Dirt Services LLC
Answer: 4-6 inches
Explanation: This is what code requires
h and h company
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